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Michael E. Porter new books Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Business Architecture: A Practical Guide (eBook Rental) Google Analytics 2.0 End User, Google Analytics, Great Books, Good Books, Big and People into Business Operations [Kindle Edition] Judah Phillips (Author). To online 

“Ecommerce: In 2016, everyone's doing it; few do it well; even fewer share what they've learned, and only one makes the top of that list. Judah Phillips is that  Ecommerce Analytics: Analyze and Improve the Impact of Your Digital Strategy. by Judah Phillips. Released April 2016. Publisher(s): PH Professional Business. Judah Phillips. 4.19 · Rating details · 21 ratings · 2 reviews. Today's Complete, Focused, Up-to-Date Guide to Analytics for Ecommerce Profit from analytics  Judah Phillips helps people create economic value using data, analytics, and research. He works with leading Ecommerce Analytics: Analyze and Improve the Impact of Your Digital Strategy; By Judah Phillips; eBook (Watermarked) $31.99.

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