How to Convert Html File to PDF in C# language. Creating PDF from local html file, import html content and image/style from embedded and external folders. Or creating PDF from online page, developers need download web page content from web url, like using "WebClient", save web page to bytes or stream, and then convert them to PDF document in C# In addition to convert it to a file, it can also convert it to any .NET Stream object. For example, you can convert it to a MemoryStream object, then retrieve the raw bytes of the PDF file from the MemoryStream and attach it to an email, all without creating any physical file at all. Generally, a hyperlink is used to link a PDF document to display in the browser. HTML anchor link is the easiest way to display a PDF file. But if you want to display PDF document on the web page, PDF file need to be embedded in HTML.The HTML < embed > tag is the best option to embed PDF document on the web page. In this tutorial, we will show you how to display PDF file in the web page using Embed PDF in HTML - Simple way to display PDF document in the web page using HTML embed tag. Example code to embed PDF file in the HTML web page and hide toolbar of embedded PDF. Subscribe for Detailed documentation and sample code about this feature can be found in the download package. Core Features. Convert any valid HTML to PDF. Rendering any Url, HTML file or HTMl text the same as way your browser does but output as PDF; Zero External Dependency. Does not depend on any Web browser on your system. Best way to convert your PDF to HTML file in seconds. 100% free, secure and easy to use! Convertio — advanced online tool that solving any problems with any files.
Use this to embed your PDF file without save and print options [code]